× Title: papa arashi: First Crush × Author:awa_naj × Length:1890 words × Rating: G × Disclaimer: they belong to themselves and i own the plot... x Summary: Set in Papa Arashi's universe, where all of them are fathers. Aiba Ryutarou has a crush and his father is very excited about it.
Jun walked into the house and frowned when he didn’t see any sight of Naomi or Jaiko. He put his keys into the bowl beside the television and walked towards the kitchen - hoping that his wife and daughter were there. He let out a sigh when he was greeted by an empty kitchen. He went upstairs and looked into Jaiko’s room. There’s no sight of them
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× Title: papa arashi × Author:awa_naj × Length:1451 words × Pairing: ninomiya kazunari x oc × Rating: G × Disclaimer: they belong to themselves and i own the plot... x Author note:un-beta. Happy birthday, Nino!
× Title: papa Jun × Author: awa_naj × Length:1103 words × Pairing: matsumoto jun x oc × Rating: G x Summary: Jun noticed that his princess is behaving suspiciously. × Disclaimer: they belong to themselves and i own the plot..
× Title: papa arashi × Author: awa_naj × Length: 2525 words × Pairing: arashi x OCs × Rating: G × Disclaimer: they belong to themselves and i own the plot...